Rest Easy with SALT Stabilization

Protect Your Portfolio in Any Market

This proprietary feature shields your crypto assets during market downturns, preserving their value. With our innovative solution, you gain the flexibility to re-enter the market when the timing is right for you.

The Benefits of Stabilization

How does Stabilization work?

If the Market Declines: When your Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio reaches 90.91%, the SALT Stabilization feature will automatically convert your portfolio to USDC, locking in its value.

Take Action to Re-Enter: Later on, once you bring your LTV down to 83.33% or below through a payment or collateral deposit, you’re free to re-enter the market and take advantage of opportunities when they arise.*

*Subject to market values at time of transaction. Transaction fees apply.

Stabilized? Now What?

Time to Strategize: SALT Stabilization gives you the breathing room to observe market trends and decide when and how to re-enter. By achieving an LTV of 83.33% or lower, you can swap back into your chosen crypto portfolio. With careful timing, you might grow your holdings and watch your wealth appreciate as the market recovers.*

Re-entry point #1 25 BTC
Re-entry point #2 30 BTC
Re-entry point #3 15 BTC
Competitor's Method 4.2 BTC
*Subject to market values at time of transaction. Transaction fees apply.

We Are the Only Lender Offering Portfolio Stabilization!

Stay Secure, Stay Confident: SALT Stabilization is the only solution that lets you preserve the value of your crypto portfolio during downturns, ensuring you stay protected with less worry.

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Based on 3 years of market data and volatility

Based on 3 years of market data and volatility, if you had a loan over the last
1,095 days
There is a high chance your loan collateral would have been liquidated

Based on your loan terms and the number of days market volatility would have negatively impacted your loan-to-value ratio, liquidation of your portfolio was likely.

Estimates based on historical averages, individual results vary based on collateral type, loan terms, borrower maintenance, among other factors.

Chances of liquidation based on LTV
67% chance

70% LTV

Loan term: 1 year

49% chance

50% LTV

Loan term: 1 year

8% chance

30% LTV

Loan term: 1 year

How SALT Stabilization Protects Your Crypto Portfolio

SALT Stabilization safeguards both the current value of your crypto portfolio and the potential future gains, so your wealth remains protected even during market volatility.
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Have Questions? Contact Us

Our loan managers will be happy to answer any questions about our loans and help you find the best plan for your needs.

By Phone: +1 (720) 457-2288
Monday – Friday | 9AM – 5PM (MST)

By Direct Email
[email protected]

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